Katrin and Thomas, a German couple from Jena and Munich, await you at Campo Alacaluf. A one-year journey to the most beautiful corners of the world changed our attitude towards local civilization so drastically that we decided to one day buy a piece of jungle and start a completely different life. After evaluating the travel diaries and the photos, it was clear: it must be Patagonia, especially the Carretara Austral. Now all that was missing was the necessary "small change" to make our dream come true. Hard work, no vacation, cinema, restaurant, etc. - this is how the search for land could begin in 2001. In Santiago we bought a pickup camper that served as our bedroom for the next 3 years. The search for land turned out to be more difficult than expected, until a Canadian cyclist swarmed from the new side street of the Carretera Austral towards the Pacific coast - Bahia Exploradores. There, in the middle of the untouched rainforest, we got stuck in a torrent in the pouring rain, so that a stay was necessary. - A sign ? - The next morning in bright sunshine we spotted a tiny FOR SALE sign on a giant coigüe tree. Now our dream began to come true. We bought this little piece of paradise with the aim of creating a cozy place to stay for all nature lovers. In November 2004 - after 36 months of wood production and construction - the guest house CAMPO ALACALUF opened its doors to the rest of the world. If you are curious, then come and visit us on your Patagonia trip and Thomas will tell you more stories from our pioneering existence, while Katrin will spoil you with culinary delights. October 2010 finally brought us the long-awaited addition to the family. Our sweetheart Daniela, a native mountain goat, will be happy to accompany you on our nature trail.
Arriving by Car

Coming from the south or north via the Carretera Austral. The junction to the valley to the Bahia Exploradores is at the bridge over the Rio Tranquilo. The road is now very well developed (also for cars without 4x4) and ends at km 91 at the pier for the excursion boats to Laguna San Rafael (more information on organized tours under Excursions). Driving time: Tranquilo–Campo Alacaluf (km 44) approx. 1 hour. The journey takes you past Lago Tranquilo (km 10), the nutria waterfall (km24), the Laguna Espontanea (a “GLOF” = Glacial Lake Outburst Flood / km 26), this geological change in nature occurred in October 2018. Just before our hostal you can admire hanging glaciers (km 40). Campo Alacaluf–Bahia Exploradores (km 91) approx. 1 hour. The Laguna San Rafael National Park begins shortly after our hostel. You follow a picturesque steep bank road along Lago Bayo to the bridge over the Rio Deshielo (outflow of the Exploradores glacier) with a view of the SAN VALENTIN (highest mountain in Patagonia). There at km52 and 53 there are several hiking trails to viewpoints of the glacier massif. (More under Excursions) Another attraction is the suspension bridge (km 75) at the confluence of the Rio Exlporadoes with the Rio Oscuro and the Rio Teresa.

Arrival by Public Transport

- By plane to Balmaceda (LAN-Chile or SKY-Airline) daily from Santiago or once a week from Punta Arenas, continue with the airport transfer to Coyhaique
- By ferry from Pto. Montt to Pto. Chacabuco (Navimag 2-3 times a week), continue by bus to Coyhaique
- From Coyhaique daily bus service on the Carretera Austral south towards Cochrane (approx. 4 hour drive to Pto Rio Tranquilo)
- From Argentina (Los Antiguos) you cross the border to Chile-Chico, continue by bus to Pto. Rio Tranquilo (journey approx. 4 hours/ 2-3 times a week)
- NEW : by ferry from Punta Arenas to Pto. Yungay (with bus connection via Cochrane to Pto. Tranquilo) From Tranquilo you can reach us with a glacier transfer.